These are Some Facts about Internet You Don’t Know

Internet, Doesn’t everyone loves this thing? Most of us spends our most of the time on the internet. It is not very old thing. But here are some facts about internet you don’t know and you will be very happy to know this facts.


1.Youtube was originally meant to be a Dating website & the slogan of youtube was “Tune in, Hook up!”




Once Founder of Youtube Jawed Karim told that it was supposed to be a Dating Website but latter it was changed to Video tube website when they uploaded the video of a singer’s wardrobe Malfunction


Internet, Doesn’t everyone loves this thing? Most of us spends our most of the time on the internet. It is not very old thing. But here are some facts about internet you don’t know and you will be very happy to know this facts.

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1.Youtube was originally meant to be a Dating website & the slogan of youtube was “Tune in, Hook up!”

Youtube was a dating website

Once Founder of Youtube Jawed Karim told that it was supposed to be a Dating Website but latter it was changed to Video tube website when they uploaded the video of a singer’s wardrobe Malfunction.


2.This was the First Website on the Internet.


3.In Beijing, China. There are internet addiction treatment camps.



As internet users are increasing everyday, People are getting addicted to it. So to cure addiction of internet beijing opened internet addiction camps.


4.Almost 30,000 websites are hacked every day.



5.The first webcam was created in Cambridge to check the status of a coffee pot.


