Demonetisation: What went wrong?

The idea of demonetisation probably came from the political establishments connected with BJP on electoral considerations. As a sequel, the Prime Minister (PM) would have tasked the highest bureaucrat in the ministry of finance to examine the proposal. In a democracy this is an accepted channel for receiving governance related proposals and it is the right step to get the suggestion examined towards its implementation, if found suitable.

What advice should the PM have got and from whom?

When a task of this nature is given to a bureaucrat, it is incumbent on him to examine the issue and come out with the pros and cons of the plan which should have included, the extent to which the larger aims of the scheme would be achievable if implemented, additional benefits which the plan would bring about like hastening up of a minimum cash economy in the country, as also the issues related to the implementation of the proposal like the time required, the hardships that the society would face and the additional resources required to implement the program with minimum disruption to the normal banking operations. The sequence and priority for the implementation of the various components of the demonetisation process like the exchange of old currency, depositing of currency and withdrawal of cash by the people from the bank ought to have been comprehensively examined and clearly defined without any ambiguously.

Remember the way Sam Manekshaw went about the task of prosecuting the 1971 war, a task entrusted to him by Mrs Gandhi, the then political head of the country? He had clearly ruled out the possibility of fighting the war at a time specified by her and had demanded that the operations be postponed to the winter months specifying his reasons for the same. He had also sought that certain deficiencies that existed in the Army then be made up and had stipulated that certain additional resources be made available before the war. That required a clear vision and moral courage especially when pitched against a leader of the stature of Mrs Gandhi who hardly ever took ‘no’ for an answer from her subordinates.

The demonetisation exercise was stacked with major political risks with the potentials of affecting the PM directly. Under such circumstances was an honest and a candid advice provided to the PM? If indeed he was briefed by the bureaucracy clearly pointing out the issues involved, did the PM take the decision to implement the proposal despite the advice? Or, were certain negative aspects of the proposal been brushed under the carpet owing to lack of moral courage in the bureaucrat concerned? More importantly, was a commercial banker with adequate practical experience in day-to-day running of the bank been co-opted in the planning process or was the ‘know all’ bureaucrat calling the shots all by himself?

The need for secrecy is often quoted for inadequate and superficial planning of the exercise. This is a bizarre excuse. If a bureaucrat can be trusted so can a banker be, after verifying his antecedents and due enquiries. There are any numbers of Indians who are trustworthy.

How far has the purported aims of the plan been achieved?

As for the aims – Will this end corruption? No. Will this end black money? No. Will the culprits be caught and punished? No and even if netted unlikely to be punished. Will the bigger black money holders be caught? Unlikely. Will it end counterfeit currency? No. Those printing fake currencies are likely to get on with the job of printing the newly introduced notes as soon as they can and that may take some time. What then has this scheme achieved if any? It has merely targeted the hoarded black money held in cash form by certain sections of the people and has brought the cash into the banking system. As for the bigger players in the black money game, such wealth usually would not be kept in cash and would have been converted into assets.

What about terror funding? It will have a setback for some time but once the printing of new counterfeit currencies get going, it may be business as usual. Had the intentions been to obliterate terror funding completely, a lot could have been done as a number of hawala transactions by some of the separatists have come to the notice of Government’s investigating agencies from time to time and we have slept over them for reasons best known to successive governments.

Who are the ones who hoard black money in cash?

In all probability, it would include those who had recently concluded some real estate transactions like selling of their land or houses, some of the small and medium traders as in the case of those in Chandni Chowk, Delhi and some corrupt officials who could not spend all the bribe money or those of them who were not in a position to deposit the money in the banks as those amounts could not be accounted for and thus were likely to be classified as income out of proportion to their known sources of income.

Could these have been fixed without the demonetisation?

The real estate sector needs complete overhaul. This fact is known to everyone in the country. The tax structure probably has been allowed to remain the way it is to suit some for generating black money. The reasons are not difficult to guess.

As for Chandni Chowk, one of the biggest whole sale markets in the country, the whole country is aware that traders in this market do not issue bills for their transactions or charge any taxes from the customers. They pay minimal representative taxes. Were the successive governments not aware of these facts? Yet none of the Governments have done anything about it till date. The loss of revenue on account of this infringement would run into several crores. There would be several other similar establishments in the country generating black money. The point is, either you can force such traders to abide by the law and pay taxes or collect ‘hafta’. One cannot have both.

As for the corrupt officials – the only way to discipline them would be to lay down the time limit for providing services and getting other government related jobs done. All services need to be made available on line and the interaction between the officials and public need to be reduced to bare minimum. More importantly, those found guilty of corrupt practices or found delaying services with the aim of extracting bribe from the public must be dealt with ruthlessly to set as examples for others to see so as to instill a sense of fear in the other bureaucrats demanding and accepting bribes.

Could the demonetisation project handled better?

Overall, the demonetisation exercise was a logistic disaster.
Based on the quantum of currency in circulation, the figures of which would have been available with the Reserve Bank of India, adequate currency notes ought to have been printed and kept readily available for circulation before the demonetisation plan was put into action. If additional time was required for the purpose the demonetisation exercise could have been suitably postponed.
The supply chain of currency notes should have been expanded based on the money that is required to be disbursed daily by bank branches and the cash handling capability of the available staff in the banks.

The depositing of demonetised currency could have been postponed to enable maximum staff of the banks being available for exchanging notes initially especially of small traders and daily wage earners. The maximum limit for exchanging cash ought to have been more imaginative to avoid people queuing up in the banks on a daily basis.

Withdrawal of money by account holders should have continued as a normal day to day operation to avoid people lining up in the banks daily. Once the monthly cash requirement of an individual was met it is very unlikely he would go to the crowded bank for a second time.

In some of the bank branches after the people had stood in the queue for over five hours, they were informed that the bank had run out of cash. This was one of the major resentment of the people. To avoid such a situation, tokens should have been issued based on the availability of cash and the amount to be disbursed to an individual. Those who did not get a token would have spent the day more usefully.

The printing of new Rs 2000 and Rs 500 notes should have been kept confidential and these notes released after the demonetisation plan was announced as has been done now. The ATM machines should have been calibrated well before the money was put into circulation.


The suggestions made above are by no means exhaustive. The problems for small traders, daily wage earners and employers who had to disburse wages on a daily basis ought to have been considered in depth.

As for the demonetisation plan, as an elected Prime Minister of the country, Modi has the mandate to implement plans that he thinks would be necessary to run the country efficiently. Some of his plans may go wrong and that has to be accepted. In governance no mistake syndrome curbs initiative and will compel political leaders to walk up the beaten path without taking any risks. Such a government will merely pass time and not govern or try anything new. If some of the plans had gone wrong, the place for a debate is the Parliament. Every issue cannot be decried or politicised as is being done at present. It is time our political parties learn to act in a more matured and responsible manner.
But the real questions are, was Modi let down deliberately? Would someone be held accountable for the logistic fiasco and punished?
